Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hanging out at Grammy and Pop's house

This week Kevin is out of town for the Jr. High mission trip, so Carson and I packed up and headed to Grammy and Pop's.

Carson has been having fun playing and looking around. He is really starting to focus on things.

Friday, July 18, 2008

First Bath!

Carson's umbilical cord finally fell off this morning, so we gave him his first bath this afternoon. We got a cute picture of him smiling afterwards and I'm also posting a cute picture of the boys taking a nap yesterday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another week has passed!

Time is flying by! Carson is getting bigger everyday. We had our 2 week check-up yesterday and he weighs 8 lbs 10 oz. He's starting to stay awake more between feedings and he loves looking around. He really likes being outside. I can't wait for it to cool down so we can go outside a little bit more! Here are some pics!

Carson loves laying on his tummy.

Carson also likes sitting in his bouncy seat.

Pops and Grammy came for dinner.

Grammy came and stayed for the night. Carson loves it when his Grammy rocks him!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

One Week Old!!

I can't believe Carson is already 1 week old (well actually he's one week and 2 days old now)! That week has gone by way too fast. Things just keep getting better everyday. He loves sleeping cuddled up next to mom and dad. He's also sleeping really good in his bassinet. He slept for 4 hours the other night! He likes to play a fun game called wait until I get a clean diaper, then poop!!

I can't find the card reader, so I'll post some more pics later.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Carson in the Car

Carson seems to like riding in the car. He just sits there quietly and looks around or takes a nap. (Don't worry he was buckled up in the car this picture is after we got home.)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Carson's First Outing

We took Carson for his doctor's checkup today and he did great. He just looked around all the way there. He slept from the time we left the doctor until we got home. He even slept through his first visit to Babies 'R' Us.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Carson: the first 24 hours

Here is a picture of Carson resting in Mom's arms this morning. He has rested well today and has enjoyed being held by his mom, dad, pops, grammy, mimi, Uncle Jason, Uncle Andy, Aunt Steffy, Aunt Misty, and other friends. He is very content and we are so glad he finally decided to join us.

Carson Makes a Grand Entrance

Carson Richard Anderson joined us on July 1st at 11:06 pm and weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and measured 21 and 1/4 inches. He has the cutest long fingers and toes and likes to be held. Here is a picture of Carson shortly after he was born with Mom and Dad in the delivery room.